My family and I started living in the Pergola District in November 2019. The ‘Pergolenviertel’ is located in Hamburg, Germany and about 1400 residential flats will be part to the district. This photo blog is about the experience of being one of the first residents in a new community built from scratch.

This site is not affiliated with any official sources.



It has been raining for 2 days and the building site is deserted. We have started to get plenty of ‘construction-peepers’ at the weekend. Some people stand in the inner courtyard most weekends. I suspect they are prospective buyers/residents of flats in the building directly adjacent to our building around the same inner courtyard. This building is still under construction, with people expected to move in from Spring. This weekend, however, the rain, cold and wind kept away even the most dedicated construction peepers. 

Still, we ventured outside today and found a lovely café close by, where we had some coffee and cake. The daughter has a cold but a small piece of chocolate cake managed to lift her slightly cranky mood. On the walk back from the café, the man and I broke into giggles at the sheer bleakness of it all. Fences blown over, litter everywhere, ripped tarpaulins. Spring still seems a long way away. Leaves on the trees will make everything better, no doubt about it.

Flooded again

Flooded again

Walking in a little more light

Walking in a little more light