Inner courtyard bird’s eye view
Our inner courtyard has rapidly developed over the last 3 weeks. Our building is a square, with one half ‘our’ building and the other half developed by a different building company. Due to the district concept, it all looks nicely like it belongs together. Our part of the building, site 2b, is pretty much finished, site 2a is due to finish in spring 2020. A massive building fence still divides our inner courtyard and it will be good to access the other half come spring. I think the daughter will have much fun in the sandpit. Centrally located is also a toddler paddling pool. Due to health and safety, this pool would need to be emptied every day if it were officially in use, with the building ownership community having to pay for the management. When buying, we were rather excited about this toddler pool – we quickly realised though that it is unlikely that the daughter will ever use it due to the costs and general hassle (let alone rather wasteful water use) that come with operating the toddler pool. Well, at least she will have an excellent slope for her little toy cars in the spring..