Benches and Boulders
Many new neighbours have moved in over the last 3 weeks. The balconies facing the same inner courtyard in site 2a, adjacent to our home base on 2b, now also have chairs and tables on them. People also have started to move in a couple of buildings along toward the South. Luckily for the Daughter, many of these new neighbours have small people in their families and even in times of COVID-19 times, she gets plenty of interaction with children her own age. The Man and I get to know a few neighbours too. Everyone is finding their feet trying to muddle along in this pandemic, whilst somehow also getting to know people they will be living alongside for many years to come. Last year we would have had a barbecue in the inner courtyard or evening drinks in the common room. None of these things are possible right now.
Still, even without current mingling people still move around the Pergolenviertel. The site is starting slowly to be tailored towards people traffic rather than solely lorry and van traffic. In particular this means two things: boulders restrict bikes and people going where they are not supposed to. And secondly: benches invite people to rest and relax. I am glad those benches went up alongside the boulders because it immediately makes the space feel like it belongs to people instead of lorries and vans.